JC Cheek Contractors, Inc has had the pleasure of working with over 1000 General Contractors in our history and we continue to work with many of these same GC's today. Some of the GC's that we have worked with are:
APAC Alabama
APAC Mississippi
Austin Bridge & Road, L.P.
Black & Veatch Corporation
Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC
Chancellor & Sons, Inc.
Dement Construction Company, LLC
Dickerson & Bowen, Inc.
Eutaw Construction Company, LLC
Falcon Construction Company
Fisher Industries
Granite Construction Company
Hardaway Construction Corp.
I.T. Corp
JJ Ferguson Sand & Gravel, Inc.
Key, LLC
Lehman-Roberts Company
Luhr Brothers, Inc.
NL Carson Construction Company, Inc.
Peter Kiewit Sons' Co.
Phillips Contracting Company, Inc.
Philway Construction, LLC
RaCon, Inc.
Reed Contracting Services, Inc.
Reliant Energy
Shelby Contracting Company, Inc.
Southwind Construction Company
Tikigaq Construction, LLC
TL Wallace Construction, Inc.
WG Yates & Sons Construction Company
Whitaker Contracting Corp.
Wiregrass Construction Co, Inc.
WS Newell, Inc.